I opened my eyes; a thousand stared back,
They were looking at me, at my verve,
Penetrating eyes, yet not really seeing through,
Alas! If only they could see the inner strife.
I took it upon myself; I tried to reach out,
I tried to tell them, tell them what it was like,
How it felt, why it was all recurring, universal.
And not unique as they made it appear.
I spread out my arms, it hit a block,
There was nothing in front, no barrier,
Yet I could not cross over, I was stopped,
Stopped by something that wasn't there.
Time and again I hit this obstacle,
Time and again it stopped me,
An invisible wall seemed to mock at me,
I shouted frantically, "It can't be!!!"
My feelings were in a bottleneck,
Waiting to pop up and spurt out,
And spread all around in a fervent spree,
Waiting, for it would never be.
I had to give up, and sit down,
After all I had lost and they had won.
It is then that I suddenly noticed,
They had the same problems I thought as my own.
All this hatred, all this animosity,
Brothers-in-arms to brothers-at-arms,
Ready to exterminate at every minute provocation.
Is this what we really believe in???
"Are we not the Masters of this Creation?"
I couldn't help but wonder.
All that seems to matter is destruction,
We are fast approaching our biggest blunder.
I realised I had outgrown my petty problems,
We had a lot more to worry about than my whims.
The unfulfilled desires, the expanse of tears,
The magnitude of sorrow and the broken dreams.
And yet, in some way it felt better within,
Even with all the predicament piled together.
The pain was no longer throbbing so hard,
Somehow collective grief felt that much better.
We took in that not only was the grief collective,
So were their causes, causes that tormented us all,
We also saw their remedies right in front of us,
We had to execute them jointly, lest all of us fall.
Amidst this there was a sudden realisation,
The barrier was no longer there.
It was but a mere mental projection,
I had overcome entirely unaware.
It's we, who put the barrier; it's we, who segregate,
Yet it's we who hold the key; we can open the gate.
The barrier breaks down as "I" mingles with "They",
And from it emerges "We" to show us the way.
"The way", you ask, "which way?
It is the way of hope, of faith.
Hope for the future, faith in ourselves.
The belief of a better life we can create.
We realise the similitude of destruction and creation,
How they are the sides of the same coin.
For only if there is destruction,
There can be renewed creation taking place.
The seeming futility of life gives way,
In its place comes the vigour and dynamism of action.
We learn to dream again, we learn to realise them.
All because now we know to believe!!!
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